Cavallo Arabo
Brocca in argento dorato 24kt, alta 90cm, interamente cesellata a mano stile barocco con inserti testa di Medusa
Centrotavola in argento con statua di Nettuno in fusione, larga 1mt e alto 50cm
Riproduzione del celebre quadro di Caravaggio, pittore italiano, interamente in argento dorato 24kt, con lapislazzuli, diametro 1mt
Particolare dell'opera Cavallo, per evidenziare lo sbalzo dell'immagine.
Posted 10 December 2017 at 18:56 by MicheleGarbin

Realization of metal art objects, even gold and silver, unique and personalized أنا خلق الأشياء الفنية في المعادن، حتى الذهب والفضة، فريدة من نوعها وشخصية

I am a master of chiselling goldsmith with 30 years experience in the handwork of noble metals. I can reproduce any image, even portraits on metals of any shape, from the painting to the vase, from the mirror to an entire wall. The works are finished with stones and gold.

Oggetti d'arte in oro e metalli pregiati


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